
Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture involves the insertion of ultra-thin needles through the skin and into the fascial network at specific points along the body. These points are a communication system along meridians or energy pathways that date back over 3000 years. Your acupuncturist may combine needling with fire cupping, Chinese massage techniques called tuina or moxibustion; whi... Read More

Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture involves the insertion of ultra-thin
needles through the skin and into the fascial network at specific points along the
body. These points are a communication system along meridians or energy
pathways that date back over 3000 years. Your acupuncturist may combine
needling with fire cupping, Chinese massage techniques called tuina or
moxibustion; which is the burning of an herb called mugwort, to address your
individual and specific needs.
Chinese medicine looks at the root cause of ailments and disease, and treats the
individual, so not one treatment looks exactly alike, and it is beneficial for
anything from physical aches and pains, to mental and emotional health,
hormonal balance, metabolic conditions, and the list goes on.
Acupuncture works on the nervous system by harmonizing or balancing the flow
of what is deemed in eastern medicine as life force energy or Qi - pronounced
“chee”. Qi exists not only within the human body but also makes up the entire
natural world around us and is represented in all its forms by the seasons (5 in
fact), and how they may affect our internal systems and the overall experience of
our lives.

Meg is passionate about supporting others on their journey to wellness and realizing their own greatest potentials. She believes it is when we can find a way to meet ourselves where we’re truly at, that deep healing begins.

Meg studied Traditional Chinese Medicine and nutrition at Pacific Rim College in her home-town of Victoria BC, where she started out by developing her career in guiding conscious movement and meditation. She began her healing journey and path to supporting others upon taking her first yoga teacher training. A devotion to the path of yoga has allowed her to live a fuller life than she had ever imagined. Sharing this with others has been one of the most meaningful exchanges in her life and led her to investigate further into healing as an integration of mind, body and spirit.

She currently works with individuals looking for support with mental health and addictions, stress management, musculoskeletal pain or tension, digestive disorders, disordered eating, sleep disturbances, autoimmune conditions, hormonal health, fertility, pre and postnatal support, and cosmetic acupuncture, just to name a few. Whatever it is that ails you - acupuncture can help!

Meg is passionate about supporting others on their journey to wellness and realizing their own gr... Read More

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